Articles From our Team

Tips for you Dogs Outdoor Playtime.
It’s a fact, dogs need outdoor playtime but unfortunately many dogs are not getting enough of it. Not giving your pet enough playtime, indoors or outdoors, can have serious effects on the physical and mental health of your furry friend. These include behavioural problems, irritability (which can lead to extra aggression), depression and overall boredom and laziness. How can you make the most out of your dogs outdoor playtime? Here are some tips from Pet Coach.

Thank You for Your Votes!
We would like to take some time to thank everyone who voted for us in the 2021 Toronto Star Readers Choice Awards.

Where do our Products Come From?
Muddy Paws in the Guild strives to support our community with the highest quality products for your pets. We take great pride in supporting small businesses that produce great products, not just here in Canada, but around the globe. Quality, safe manufacturing processes and customer service are our priority. Here are some of the brands we work with and their country of origin.

Flees and Ticks are Coming!
Can you feel the spring that is in the air? We can! And after a cold isolated winter, all of us are eager to get out in the warmer weather – our four legged friends too! Warmer weather also means that we are entering into flea and tick season for dogs and cats. Even if your pet spends most of their time indoors, it is important that they get preventative care for when they do occasionally venture outside.

The Latest on Grain-Free Diets and Dilated Cardiomyopathy
It was big news two years ago when the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) came out and said that there was new research to suggest that there was a definite link between grain-free diets and dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). After that bombshell, everyone turned to the three sources they trusted to find out if this new information had cause for concern: their veterinarian, their pet food manufacturers and their pet food retailers.

Pet Hair in the Winter
Did you know that not all dogs and cats have the same type of coats?

Muddy Paws Busts Raw Food Misconceptions
In this day and age, being green is something that every household should strive for to help protect our planet for generations to come. When it comes to your pet, Muddy Paws has many amazing ways to keep your pet healthy, clean & safe while also looking out for the environment.

Greener Pet Habits With Help From Muddy Paws!
In this day and age, being green is something that every household should strive for to help protect our planet for generations to come. When it comes to your pet, Muddy Paws has many amazing ways to keep your pet healthy, clean & safe while also looking out for the environment.

The Importance of Winter Grooming
It's an age old tale for us in the pet grooming industry, we see fewer dogs in the winter months. It's also equally common to see their coats in very poor state once they return in the spring. This is why we stress the importance of winter grooming and coat maintenance all year long.